Friday, June 23, 2006

Sold! Hypnosis Adds Power and Skills to Selling Ideas or Products

Much of life is about the sale. We negotiate in every relationship
we are in, one way or another, or in a sense sell our ideas each
time we communicate. Some people are naturally gifted it seems and
able to convince others that the product they have or the idea they
feel is best, really is the right way to go. If you would like to
develop this kind of negotiation power and influence over others,
it is possible through hypnosis. Hypnotherapy that helps you become
better at selling starts from within by selling yourself on the
concept that your views are valuable to others.

The best sales people out there have one thing in common. They are
confident. They know without a doubt, or at least are able to
convince others that they know without a doubt, that what they have
to offer is something you need. This can be anything from the
latest kitchen knife to the oldest type of insurance policy. It can
be new way of filing paperwork or getting your baby to sleep
through the night. Why is it that some people are so successful at
selling? They are confident.

Confidence begins from within. To develop confidence, the
hypnotherapist works with you when you are most susceptible to new
ideas about yourself. He does this by bring you to a state of
complete relaxation; a trance-like condition where you are able to
shut out the world around you. The first step of hypnosis brings
you to that relaxed state so the therapy can begin.

Once you have confidence, you need to be able to also have the
skills to close the sale. Every good sales person knows that when
presenting and idea or a product to someone, you have to actually
tell them what you want -- for them to buy into that idea or get
that product. Some people are so absolutely terrified of asking
such a thing of others that it prohibits them from closing the
sale. So the next stage of the hypnotherapy has to be to learn how
to ask for what you want so you can seal the deal. The script
used in hypnosis builds confidence and then helps to overcome the
fear of asking for what you want.

Finally, all sales people have to sometimes deal with rejection.
The idea of someone telling you "no" may feel like a personal
rejection and not just a dismissal of your idea. Hypnosis can help
you separate yourself from what you are selling -- either an idea
or product -- so that rejection is not seen as a personal attack.
This also adds to the development of confidence.

Selling is a part of every day life. We negotiate roles in a
relationship or we try to convey our ideas to others. It may be
part of your career to sell a product or service. Almost every
aspect of life involves some sort of selling and deal making. If
you are lacking the skills needed to close deals and handle it when
it doesn't always go your way, then hypnosis can build the
confidence you need to sell effectively.

Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist


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