Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fill ‘er Up!

Do you know anybody like this?…They never have a full tank of gas. They never even have a half tank of gas. And, many times, they barely have enough gas to keep their vehicle running. I used to be one of those people. I would let the gas get down to just above “E” and then I would put just enough gas in the car to keep it running for a day or two. Why was that? Well, my reasoning at the time was that I was saving money. By just putting a little gas in each time, I freed up money for other things. What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was sending a signal to my subconscious mind that I was running low on resources and that barely getting by was good enough. Interestingly enough, my bank account at the time looked the same way, close to empty. My relationship at the time also mirrored my empty sentiment. It was a boring relationship with almost no communication. I caused all these situations. I was the driver for each of them. I was in charge of how much gas went in the car, how much money I put in the bank, also how much excitement and communication I brought to the relationship. Running on empty was good enough for me.

Well, these days I don’t even let the tank get down to ¾ full. I fill it up regularly. And, by the way, I use the highest octane available. I also keep plenty of money in the bank. And I make sure that in any interaction I am energetic and effectively communicating my feelings. Why the change? Well, a couple times I pushed it too far with the gas situation. I actually ran out of gas one of those times on a very busy narrow bridge on a busy Saturday night. Luckily, a lawn-care truck was behind me. They had extra gas in one of those red plastic gas containers. As one of them was filling the tank and cars were driving by yelling obscenities (because I was blocking traffic), he said, “I have a suggestion. Don’t run out of gas again.” Such a simple statement. Such a basic principle. From that moment on, I decided never to run on empty again in any situation. I immediately went to the gas station to fill the tank. The next day, I opened a small savings account (which has grown over the years). The day after that, I booked a nice vacation with my girlfriend at the time. By applying the lawn-care person’s simple wisdom, I was able to completely turn my life around.

You see, when we always look at that low amount of gas on the gas gage, or when we see just a few dollars (or nothing) in our bank account, or when we always have a relationship that is on the verge of destruction, we send a signal to our subconscious mind that we don’t have enough. This, in turn, begins to affect even more areas of our lives. We become complacent and half-efforts become “good enough.” When we decide to change all that, things start to come together. Our subconscious mind then receives the message that we are abundant. When we feel abundant, we begin to attract people and situations to us, which make us even more abundant. So, start filling your tank up all the way, all the time. Start putting away a few dollars. And start being open and fun in your interactions with others. Once you do these simple things, once you “Fill ‘er up,” you will see everything change around you.

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Until next time,

Live in Abundant Possibility!

Steve G. Jones,
Clinical Hypnotherapist


At 2:09 PM, WURYANANO said...

Wow...that's a good business.
It's sound nice to follow your advice.
God bless you.


At 1:44 PM, Jon said...

Nice 1, will check out your site now!


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